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Example of NARATIVE

Unknown Selasa, 18 September 2012


Long time ago, there was a very clever and cunning animal who lived in a big jungle, called Sang Kancil. He lived  with his parents, and  also  his brother. They were happy family. The parents always loved him very much.
One day, Sang Kancil and his family went to the field to search source of food . it was not far from his home. in the middle of his traveling sang kancil seeing something and said “ oh no…I saw something likes hunters” father replied “it is impossible. Our jungle is peaceful”.
They didn’t notice the situation around them and suddenly there were two hunters will be shouted them.  But before the hunters shooted them, Sang Kancil looked The hunters Come to them and he shouted, “ ohh no, what I talk to you. , there are  hunters here. Run away,.” kancil run as fast as, . Sang Kancil was safe, but not to his parents and brother they didn’t know there were the hunters. The hunters could shoot  Kancil’s parents and brother.they Killed by The hunters and brought his parents and brother away.
 Kancil was sad.he missed his parents and his parents. He didn’t know where is the parents and brother. He was very angry with human beings, especially hunters. After it occurred he didn’t like humans. He would be revenge humans.
One day, in the afternoon  Sang Kancil went to the village. He went to the human’s field. And he found a field that full of he ate the cucumber as he want. And every day, he always went to the cucumber field and ate all of cucumber .
At morning, the owner of the cucumber field was surprise. He found his field was destroy. The cucumber was not as many as                                                                       before. And the next day, that was done again . The farmer was very angry. the farmer was very angry he planned to catch whoever wich stole his cucumber. He put an imitation man at his field and also put trapper in point of the field. He was convinced that it would be trapped the thief.
 One day in the afternoon. When Sang Kancil enjoyed the cucumber, he was looking the imitation man,  he taught that he was the man who had the field.  So he ran away to safe him self from the imitation man. he run as fast as but in the corner of field he trapped. He trapped with a big net. The farmer who was sleeping heard it and he checked the cucumber field. And he was happy because he could catch the thief. He didn’t think that the thief was kancil not the man. The farmer brought Sang Kancil to his home and put inside a strong cage. sang kancil said “ please ,,, don’t killed me. I am sorry I had ate your cucumber,,,,” The farmer replied “ Why you destroyed my field and ate my cucumber ..” Sang kancil said “because I live alone, I can not search good, so I ate your cucumber” The farmer replied “that was not logical reason.. Don’t go anywhere. You will be my breakfast. ….hahahaha” but in his heart he said “what a poor animal kancil is”
He afraid the farmer would be killed him and became his breakfast” He tought how to escape and went out from the cage. And  suddenly, the farmer’s dog came to Sang Kancil. “hmmm…..It is good chance I will tricked the dog .” said Sang Kancil. 
The dog didn’t know that kancil was the thief of cucumber. So Sang Kancil asked,” hi dog! what are you dong in there. here came to me I will talked to you!” dog answered “kancil what are you doing in  this cage. why you in here ?” sang kancil said “I will marry with the farmer’s daughter, so the farmer put me here. Don’t you want to marry with his daughter? She is very beautifull I think you are better than me to be husband of the farmer’s daughter .” dog said “oh eah I am better than you.. I am stronger than you and I more handsome than you”
kancil said “did you love her” the dog said “ I loved her very much” kancil said “Ok ….because you are better than me so you can inside in this cage and I will go out from here” The dog said “ eah…..Ok I agree, and I will be the husband of the farmer’s daughter” the dog opened and entered the cage. kancil was very happy .He could free and walked away.
At morning,  when the farmer checked the cage. He surprised, there was a dog in the cage and said “ What are you doing in here ,,, and where is kancil ,,? The dog said,”oh eah I will be the husband of your daughter not kancil. knacil can not proper
The farmer said,” What do you mean? Oh no..what a stupid animal you are... kancil is the thief of the cucumber not to marry him with my daughter, oh no…. I’m be cheated, what a very stupid animal I am.” Said the dog.
The farmer was vey angry because kancil could go out from the cage by tricked the stupid dog. And he afraid his cucumber field would be destroyed.

(Rifqi Abbas 27/X-1)
Academic year 2011/2012

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